Saturday, June 13, 2015

"Me Before You" by JoJo Moyes

Image result for me before you4.5 of 5 stars.

The Basics: Lou (Louisa) Clark is a 27 year-old woman who is confused about her path in life. The diner she has worked at for the past few years is closing and her career options are slim. Her fitness-junkie boyfriend has tunnel vision on completing a grueling race and Lou doesn't seem to fit into his world anymore. Eventually, Lou finds a job as a care-taker for a 35 year-old, wealthy, paralyzed Will Traynor. Lou eventually overhears a secret that changes her perspective on her role in Will's life. Both of their lives change afterward.

My Thoughts: I must start with this: There is a movie depiction of this book being released in June 2016!!! Yes!!!
Ok, so I love that Moyes took her time telling this story. I feel as though the characters were well developed. I could feel Lou's emotions. The story was that deep. The emotions of the character's were believable and just so real that it was hard to not think about them after you finished reading the book. *Spoilers to Follow*
I can't believe Will still went through with the aided suicide. I had hope that Lou's adventures would surely change his mind but I guess that would be too much of a fantasy. Even when Lou went to Switzerland I thought the story would somehow change and Will would change his mind, even as he sat on his "death bed". But I suppose life doesn't always happen as we want...and neither does a book.
As I read this novel, I kept thinking about the title. I thought that the title referred to Lou but I feel like it was a reference to Will. Though Lou was a great distraction from the pessimism he was feeling, he still knew that he wanted to end his life. His paralyzed body and inability to do simple things was a constant reminder of the life he was missing out on. I suppose no one or anything can stop a person from feeling trapped, suffocated, and hopeless in their own body, especially if there is absolutely no chance for recovery. After a while, I felt sorry for Will and understood why he was making that choice. Will chose his happiness above anyone else.
I also appreciate how this novel was not a typical love story. I have read blogs that call this a tragic love story. But I think it's more of an understanding between two people. They became so comfortable with themselves that they were able to share secrets and bring each other happiness. I suppose that is what someone would want before they pass, an understanding that someone truly loved and cared for them undeniably.

Remember, teachers read fun stuff too!

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